Monday, 23 May 2011

Birthday Babalas

Wow so, yesterday was my 26th birthday, and being that this is a very special occasion, we went balls to the walls on Saturday night. After mingling with friends such as Tequila, Jaggermeister and lets not forget the Sparkling wine crowd, one gets left with a gift of a headache from hell! In my moment of death, we managed to organize breakfast, which should actually be called lunch, seems as it was only at 12h00 that everyone started to rise. A greasy breakfast served with a side of Cream Sober was in order! So I decided to make us all my famous hangover cure, souffle omelet. Alas I was so close to dying from my self inflicted headache, we had some toast instead. If however I had a boyfriend that actually knew how to use a frying pan, this would of been the breakfast requested.
Hangover Omelet

What you will need per omelet:
  • 4 eggs
  • Toppings of your choice
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How it's done:
  1. Separate the eggs, and beat the egg whites until stiff
  2. Beat the egg yolks and slowly fold into the egg whites.
  3. Pour into a grease frying pan, add your toppings, and cook until the bottom is slightly brown. (check by lifting the omelet slightly)
  4. Place into oven under the grill for +-5mins (watch closely)
  5. When slightly browned on top, fold over and serve.

What you look like when making said omelet

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